Pink Asiatic Pheasants Tea Saucer Seconds
Pink Asiatic Pheasants Tea Saucer Seconds
Before the ware leaves the factory, each piece passes through our inspection benches. Sometimes an item does not meet our flawless quality standards and is deemed as second. The fault or faults may be in the finish, the decoration or the shape. The faults are not structural, i.e. each piece still functions as intended and is usable. ‚
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Made from earthenware, every piece of Burleigh is proudly handmade at Middleport Pottery in Stoke-on-Trent, England.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
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Tea Saucer (Windsor shape): H 2cm x W 15cm x D 15cm
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Our earthenware products are microwave and dishwasher safe. We recommend using low temperatures and liquid detergents when washing, or alternatively washing by hand and drying with a soft cloth. Unsuitable for oven and freezer use.
Weight: 0.204 kg
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